Thursday, November 10, 2011

Lionking Interview - Battlefield 3 Spanish Master League Admin

After a hard work we have been in contact with the and his Master League Adminl present us with a interview.

Alliance Cup: Hi Lionking, first of all thanks for let us to interview you. Can you introduce your self for all the people that doesn't know you?
Lionking: Hi, i'm Ivan Zanacajo. I started on the e-sports playing BF2142, and i played it for 2 years then was the moment that i decide to go Call of Duty 4 where i stayed for a few of years till the Bad Company 2 release where i played a few month and know i'm playing Battlefield 3.
On all this time i've been ESL Administrator on spain, i started on this work 3 years ago as trial and know i have reach the Master League Admin on Bad Company 2, Starcraft 2 and now its time for Battlefield 3.
At the start i was playing with a friendly team mean "Clan OLE", where i learned how to compite on a high level that was my way on battlefield on call of duty i can say that i have been on some of the highest teams but never been on a spanish top team.

AC: As i can see a really long trajectory of games and ESL Ranks. How you see the BF3 scene atm?
LK: From my opinion i can see a really nice european scene with really high skills. The big problem that i see its the difficulty to stay on a long term competition with conquest cause of the needs to have 8 players, but i'm sure that there will be a lot of big tournaments.
Now talking about spanish scene i can saw a lot of people playing but not that all on competition and that can affect to the national skill.

AC: Well we may care about that continues and see more teams borned. Talking about competition we already know that the ESL is one of the big referents on the world competition, but how you see the mode that european set the 8on8 Conquest Open Cup that will be played on 1 week?
LK: I think that the first two cup from have been precipitated knowing that its hard to have the 8 players for 1 match and it makes more harder to have them for 3 match per day.

AC: Other of the things that the community talk around its about the rules. What you think about it? Do you think they had to ask to us? Or maybe decide them between other country admins? Cause the rules was only redacted by the German Admin team.
LK: I think that they have made this cup as a faster test for the rules, taking care now about the community feedbacks. But its really that they have made the rules by him self and thats its harder cause all the country may have the same rules. But you have to know that is not easy to be and stay on this highest european admin rank.

AC: Its really that the may be beta cups, but i have done a lot of screams on the community and also opened a door of the Alliance Cup. Do you know what is that? And his role play trying to get a european solid rules made by votes from the actuals top european teams?
LK: Yes i was already informed of that. Its a really nice initiative that the community start to move him self to upgrade it. It says that we have a lot of competitive appetite.
About to unify the rules of all country always its going to be the best. The only problem that i can see its that the top teams are a minority but it will be chaos if all the community work together.

AC: To be honest it has been a sorprise for all of us the fast work that its going on. All the communities are in accordance and its nice to work with them. Do you think that we'll get the support from the Spanish ESL  with the rules that will be vote the Monday 14th of November?
LK: Its nice to have all the community support that makes to think that is the correct way to do it. From the we'll work hard to show this rules to all the community and try to get it on the competition.

AC: Your team Logic3 its going to vote. Do you already know wich is the normative that your team want to compite?
LK: I don't have any idea cause i don't work on it. Knowing that i'm a admin from the ESL i don't want to have any influence for any of the two sides.

AC: One of the admin that create the rules is waiting for it, that shows that we're not in conflict with the ESL, we only want to work together and have the better rules to compite making them know what the community are looking for.
LK: On the we are always open to upgrade our rules and for it we're always in contact with the community.

AC: About other posible esl cups. Do you think that squad rush will replace the old 5on5 and 6on6 infantry?
LK: Sure, cause by now its imposible to set the modality Flag by Flag, and the squads are only made for 4 players. And also we may add that its easier to compite with 4 players that you will get more teams than other bigest cup.

AC: Oldest Battlefield players doesn't think that squad rush its bf it seems more like a cod or cs. What can you say as finalist of the first european squad rush to attract them to this modality?
Well they may diference two game modalitys it can make a strongest and best community. Its obvious that this game got some things from CoD and CS, like plant the bomb. But it isn't like cod cause its not only to kill you must survive, revive and all that caracteristic battlefield things.
LK: Its more dynamic and intensive than the other games and its a really nice option to the battlefield old school infantrys.

AC: Thanks for your time, work and support and also to have in mind our project. We care to got a long term competition!

LK: Thanks to you and care that this project go in the correct way and works.

The Battlefield 3 spanish ESL its waiting for us! Good news for all.
Thanks Lionking for your wasted time and good luck in your work!

Best regards,
Alliance cup Staff.

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